
Archive for the ‘Ride’ Category

[DID NOT ATTEND: January 19, 2024] The Charlatans (UK) & Ride

I was rather looking forward to this show.

I was never a huge fan of either band, but it seemed like the perfect way to check off an old itch of bands that I enjoyed back in the day.

I have the first three Charlatans records (but actually didn’t even realize they had been making music since then).

Like with The Charlatans, I really enjoyed the first couple of Ride albums.  Unlike The Charlatans, Ride broke up for a long time and then reunited about a decade ago.

This was also going to be my first show of the new year (and then two other shows crept in front).

As it turned out, there was a snowstorm on this day.  I don’t think the snow was all that bad, but there was a lot of hand wringing and street clearing and it seemed like it just wasn’t a good idea to drive down to Philly and try to find parking.

It was also the night before my son was going back to college, so it was nice to be home for that.

I suspect that if I had really wanted to go to the show, the snow wouldn’t have kept me away, so overall it’s not a huge loss.  I’m a little bummed though that Ride didn’t play their Free at Noon earlier in the day, because at least I would have gotten a chance to hear some of the show.

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[CANCELLED: January 19, 2024] Ride

I found out that Ride was doing a Free at Noon just recently.  I had tickets to see them that night at Union Transfer, so I didn’t feel the need to go to this show.

Then it snowed.  Not a ton, but enough to make Philly clear the streets for cleaning.  Which meant there was no parking around the WXPN facility.  I’m sure there was more to it than that, but for whatever reason, this show was cancelled.

I also wound up not going to the show that night because of the snow.  So, no Ride for me.

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